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7 Best Valentine's Gifts For Her

7 Best Valentine's Gifts For Her

Giant Sculptures Giant Sculptures
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We’ve rounded up some of the best present ideas in our quick valentine's gifts guide that's full of romantic inspiration that we think your girl will love. You can thank us later!

a red rose on a brown gift

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Nope, we’re not talking about Christmas, but Valentine's Day, of course! Love is officially in the air, as February 14th marks our favourite global celebration of romance. And whether you're in the throes of a brand new relationship or about to mark decades of Valentine’s celebrations together, this is the perfect occasion to present the lady you love with gifts for her Valentine’s celebration!

Call us biased, but we believe that nothing says “I love you'' quite like one of our majestic life-size bears from Giant Sculptures - and the best Valentine’s presents for her are the ones that come straight from the heart. We also know it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to picking the best Valentine's gifts for her too! The good news is, there are a lot of choices out there, from classic gestures, like a bunch of red roses, to keepsake presents such as jewellery, or maybe even that life-size companion she’s always wanted! There are numerous benefits of having a Giant Bear. Why not check out the rest of our blogs to find out more?

So, if you’re about to begin your search for the perfect present for your perfect lady, let us help you out with some Valentine’s presents for her. We’ve rounded up some of the best present ideas in our quick gift guide that's full of romantic inspiration that we think your girl will love. You can thank us later!

Our best Valentine’s gifts for her

1. A flower bouquet subscription

We’re kicking off our Valentine's gifts for her with an abundance of florals. Because let’s face it, just buying one bunch of flowers is never going to be enough for your special lady! These days, many online boutique florists offer ongoing bouquet subscription services, meaning your girl receives a unique seasonal arrangement delivered straight to her door every month, with you picking up the bill! This idea is the gift that keeps on giving and subscriptions are cheaper than you think, starting from as little as £25 from Bloom and Wild. You’re sure to come up smelling of roses with this great Valentine’s gift for her!

a postal flower delivery

2. A day to remember

Bored of just heading to the cinema or your usual restaurant for date night? If so, this will be one of the very best gifts for Valentine's day for her. If you’re the type of couple that loves to try new things together, then why not consider an experiential present this Valentine’s, instead of just dinner and a movie? Whether you fancy treating your girl to a spot of boujee wine tasting, or perhaps something adrenaline-packed like skydiving or supercar driving - head over to the likes of Virgin Experience Days where you’ll be able to plan one of the best Valentine's gifts for her in the UK! It’s time to whisk her on a romantic adventure that will take her by total surprise. Looking for a Valentine’s gift for her with a bit of a difference?

a couple skydiving

3. Her favourite fragrance

You simply can’t go wrong with this romantic Valentine’s gift for her! We’re certain that your lady probably loves to smell luscious, but perfumes can be damn expensive these days. So why not make her day by treating her to a fancy fragrance courtesy of yours truly? We recommend going all-in on the Valentine’s theme, opting for a smell that’s romantic and floral. Don’t know your floral scents from your citrus smells? Don’t panic. Simply head down to the perfume counter of your nearest big department store and ask for some advice.

Pink channel perfume bottle with pink rose petals

4. A personalised photograph calendar

Since we’re only one month into the year, it’s certainly not too late to treat your other half to this household staple with a special twist. When it comes to the best gifts for her on Valentine's day, a customised calendar with a selection of cute photos of the two of you is not only super thoughtful but also practical too! As well as serving as a beautiful piece of décor in your home, you’ll also be able to jot down important dates in your joint calendar, making it even easier to plan for those romantic date nights…

a personalised photo calendar

5. A special piece of jewellery

Yep, you guessed it! Jewellery is nearly always a hit as a romantic Valentine’s gift for her! When it comes to deciding what special piece to dazzle your partner with, have a think about the style your lady likes to wear and then look around for some complementary pieces. Perhaps she might enjoy having a ring engraved with a few words from a favourite poem or song lyrics? Or how about a charm bracelet you can add to as the years go by? Maybe you could even give her a locket with a cute photo of the two of you inside? Sure, she knows you’re thoughtful… but she probably won’t have been expecting a personalised Valentine's gifts for her! So this one is sure you brownie points. If you’re looking for something super flashy, then a pair of diamond earrings are sure to add some serious sparkle to her Valentine’s Day, that’s for sure.

a heart necklace with cream sea shells

6. Scrumptiously sweet chocolates

It might be cliché, but year after year it's been proven that a romantic box of chocolates (preferably in a heart-shaped box!) is likely to always go down well with the lady love in your life. But before you go all-in on a big box for her romantic Valentine's gifts, be sure to do your homework and figure out what her favourite flavours are first. Can’t afford to go all-out on a super expensive selection this year? No worries! How about a selection of fresh strawberries dipped in melted choccie instead? You might be skimping on the cost, but you’ll certainly still be bringing some serious romance with this gift for her on Valentine's day…

a bowl of chocolate dipped strawberries

7. Her very own giant bear!

We’ve definitely saved the best Valentine’s present for her until last. For a long time, giant bears have been associated with spreading deep love and offering true comfort. And isn’t that exactly what a good partner wants to bring to their relationship too? By gifting the lady you adore a giant bear to call her own on Valentine's Day, you’ll be expressing just how much you love and care for her. You’ll also be providing some extra warmth and comfort during the last of the chilly winter months. Each and every one of our giant bears are crafted by hand and filled with love, making them the perfect gift for her on Valentine’s day.

a giant bear sculpture with heart glasses and a bouquet of flowers

Why is a giant bear from Giant Sculptures the best Valentine’s gift for her?

As we’ve seen, there is a plethora of choices when it comes to Valentine’s Day gift ideas for her. Luckily, here at Giant Sculptures, we keep things simple for you with our easy-to-browse catalogue of companions. We believe that high-quality and supreme giant bears are among the best and most heartfelt gifts you can present to your wife or girlfriend this Valentine’s Day.

So, what's holding you back? Dive into our amazing online store today to discover the ideal giant bear for your significant other. We offer a variety of sizes and colours that you can select for your loved one's new friend. Once you've chosen one of our bears, there’s no more need to brainstorm other Valentine's gifts ideas for her. And, let's not overlook a heartfelt Valentine’s card to accompany your gift!

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